F-tone Networks提供兩端均為FC/PC或者FC/APC接頭的單模光纖跳線。每根跳線都是F-tone Networks使用最先進的設備自主生產的。這些光纖跳線,具有Ø3 mm或者900um PVC保護套,內部有凱夫拉纖維,確保在實驗室的耐用性,每根跳線都包含兩個保護帽,防止灰塵或其它污漬落在插芯端面。

Important Notice
Performance figures, data and any illustrative material provided in this data sheet are typical and must be specifically confirmed in writing by F-tone Networks before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. In accordance with the F-tone Networks policy of continuous improvement specifications may change without notice.
The publication of information in this data sheet does not imply freedom from patent or other protective rights of F-tone Networks or others. Further details are available from any F-tone Networks sales representative.